

Commissioned by Skanes Dansteater, Sentinel premiered in March 2016 as part of the programme Above And Below, in a double bill with Lucy Guerin’s Weather. Sentinel continues the ongoing fascination with the human relationship to the constructed environment, ritual behaviour and the totemic power of material objects.


Choreographer – Antony Hamilton  
Lighting Designer – Ben Cistern  
Costume Designer – Paula Levis  
Sound Composition – Clark 
Sculpture Design – Boris Tellegen 
Rehearsal Director – Melanie Lane 
Production Manager – Anna Ekstrand 
Dancers – Graham Adey, Hazuki Kojima, Sarah Bellugi, Peter Jansson, Kristian Refslund, George Pelagias, Brittanie Brown, Laura Lohl, Jing Yi Wang, Patrick Bragdell, Astrid Bramming, Roman Petit.


Skanes Dansteater Artistic Directors – Åsa Söderberg, Ben Wright